Sylvan jumping spiders have beautifully vibrant markings. The males have bright reds and yellows on their legs and head. The females have less vibrant colorations but are still very pretty with their almost transparent chelicera and orange spots along their head.

Scientific name: Colonus sylvanus 

Size(M): 7 mm

Size(F): 10 mm

Environment: Forestry areas

Habitat: Eastern USA

Humidity: Unknown

Price(USA): $20-$25

Life span(M, captivity): Unknown

Life span(F, captivity): Unknown

Water: Every day

Feed: Every day(fruit flies, moths, and other small bugs)

Level: Beginner-intermediate(because of feeding every day and small size)

Behavior(M): Active, curious, enjoys exploration.

Behavior(F): Relaxed, enjoys siting in your hand, doesn’t need exploration.


Good to have:
