Tan jumping spiders have gray-black colorations with tan-orange chain like patterns along its back. Some specimens have no patterns and some are all gray and black.
Scientific name: Platycryptus undatus
Size(M): 8.5-9.5 mm
Size(F): 10-13 mm
Environment: woodlands, tree trunks, building walls, fence posts
Habitat: Parts of the USA and Canada
Humidity: Unknown
Price(USA): $10-$30
Life span(M, captivity): 1-2
Life span(F, captivity): 1-3
Water: Every other day(water-don’t water-water-don’t water)
Feed: Every 2 days depending on the food size and abdomen size
Level: Beginner
Behavior(M): Active, curious, enjoys exploration.
Behavior(F): Relaxed, enjoys siting in your hand, doesn’t need exploration.
- Spray bottle for humidity and water
- A consistent source of bugs for food
- Escape proof container with air holes
- Sticks, leaves, fake plants, or other decorations to climb on/hide in
- Paper towel or mulch at the bottom of container
Good to have:
- Some Spiders seem to enjoy enjoy eating some fruits. Its like a treat to them! Fruits jumping spiders can eat include apples, watermelon, cucumbers, and other high in water fruits.
- Humidity thermometers/thermometers to know the humidity and temperature so your spider is healthy
- Direct sunlight
- 2 or more crickets at one feeding
- Put 2 spiders in one container. If you are attempting to breed 2 spiders, watch over the spiders and make sure they actually breed. You don’t want your male jumper to die for nothing!